@zPod project is stopped
but podXP is born ...

@zPod : The New Desktop Enhancer

@zPod is a new Desktop Enhancer who show different kind of
Widgets on your Desktop.

Available Widgets :

- Clock with Chronometer function
- Notes with alarm and attached link
- Calendar with Notes link
- Photo Album
- Calculator
- Google search
- PopMail Alerter
- Remote Windows Media Player
- Weather RSS Reader
- News RSS Reader
- Link Folder to store usual http links, files or folders
- Account Manager to manage your personal money account

Config : PIII 1GHz / 256Mo / Microsoft Windows XP

Download @zPod

Installation :
- Unzip @zPod.rar (or @zPod.zip) in your selected folder.
- Launch easyPod.exe

Quick Starting :
- When you launch the app for the first time, you just have the "RemotePOD" and the "RemoteWin" on the desktop.
- To Access the Setup : "RightClic" and select "Setup".
- To create a new Pod : "RightClic" on the RemoteWin Pod and select the Pod you want.
- To Resize a Pod (only for resizable Pod) : move the mouse to the bottom right corner and resize it ;-)
- To scroll vertically the content of a Pod : Use the "RollScroll" of the mouse
- To scroll horizontally the content of a Pod : move the mouse in the scroll Pad of the Pod.
- To move a Pod on the bottom : "DoubleClic" on the Pod.
- To move a Pod always OnTop : "RightClic" and select "POD on TOP".
- To Lock a Pod : "RightClic" and select "Lock POD".
- To Delete a Pod : "RightClic" and select "Delete POD".

RemotePod : Simply a Pod to show the Shortcuts you want.
- To Add a new shortcut : "RightClic" and "Add" the selected Shortcut or "DragAndDrop" a file, a folder or a link.
- To change the setting of a shortcut : "RightClic" and select "Edit"
- It's a resizable Pod but depend of the content.

RemoteWin : Remote all your opened Windows.
- Focus a Window : "Clic" on the Screenie.
- Minimize a Window : "DoubleClic" on the Screenie.
- OneWin Mode : this mode keep only one Window showed on the screen.
- KillNewWin Mode : this mode keep only one Window of Explorer (kind of minimalistic popup killer).
- To Change Default Program for KillNewWin Mode : "RightClic" and select "Setup".
- To Exclude a Program : "RightClic" and select "Setup".

Trash : All your deleted Pods.
- To restore a deleted Pod : "Clic" on the link.

Note : Show notes on your desktop.
- Use "Copy/Paste" or Keyboard or "DragAndDrop" to write the content of the note.
- Change the Font, Size Font, Color Font and Background with the "RightClic" menu.
- To attach a shortcut : "DragAndDrop" the selected shortcut.
- To set the Alarm : "RightClic" and select "Alarm".

Clock : A simple clock with Chronometer function.
- To Start/Stop the Chrono : "RightClic" and select Chrono + "Clic" on the Pod.

Calendar : A simple Calendar with alarmed Notes.
- To change the month : Use "Next/Previous" Button.
- To Focus an Alarmed Note : "Clic" on the Alarmed Day.

Weather : 6 days Weather Pod.
- To select the Country : "RightClic" and select "Setup" ... Enter your country name, "clic" on "Go", Select the country and "OK".
- Use the "RollScroll" to scroll the Weather.
- It's a resizable Pod but depend of the content.

Google : Launch a search in Google.
- To search in Google : Enter what you want and "Clic" "Google" (or "Enter").
- You can also DragAndDrop words on the Pod.

Mail : A simple POP3 Mail Alerter.
- Setup your mail account in first.
- When you receive a mail, the Pod go in the middle of the screen and turn round. To cancel this : "Clic" on the Pod.
- Use the links to "Write a new mail" or launch the selected Mailer Program.

RemoteWMP : Remote your Windows Media Player.
- To Play a File : "RightClic" and select "Load File".
- To Play the content of a folder : "RightClic" and select "Load Dir".
- You can also "DragAndDrop" a playable file on the Pod.

Calculator : A simple calculator with Keyboard enabled.

Photo Album : Show pictures ...
- To select a Folder : "RightClic" and select "Load Directory".
- It's a resizable Pod.

Link Folder : Keep all your favourite shortcut accessible.
- To add a new shortcut : "RightClic" and Select "Add" or "DragAndDrop" a File, a Folder or a Link.
- To change the name of the shortcut : "RightClic" and select "Edit".
- It's a resizable Pod.
- Use the "RollScroll" to scroll the Links.

Account : Your personal money manager.
- First : "RightClic" and select "Setup Account to enter the Name and the Currency of your account.
- To Add an amount : "RightClic" and select "Add" or "DragAndDrop" a text. Enter the label, the date and the amount (In OR Out).
- To show all your amounts : Resize the Pod ;-)
- To Check/Unchek an Amount : "Clic" on the amount.
- It's a resizable Pod.
- Use the "RollScroll" to scroll the Account.

News : An RSS News Reader.
- To change the RSS URL : "RightClic" and select "Setup" or "DragAndDrop" and RSS URL.
- It's a resizable Pod.
- Use the "RollScroll" to scroll the News.

@zPod by LeFOOL : Born to be FOOL ...
